
DIY Wall Hanging

July 30, 2024

This is something that would be fun for teens and adults to do together, or for teens to do with their friends!

(I did it with toddlers (with the help of big bubby), and they lost interest, and we played with the yarn instead)


  • Cotton Yarn (you can choose one color, multicolor, or a few different colors)
  • 1ft Dowel Rod (you can stain or paint your dowel rods to match)
  • Scissors
  • Scotch Tape


  1. Cut 30 pieces of yarn to 2 ft. lengths
  2. Fold yarn in half, drape over dowel and pull loose ends through loop.
  3. Repeat to length of dowel with about 1″ left open on either end.
  4. Lay dowel with yarn on flat surface and straighten the strands.
  5. Lay scotch tape across yarn in the shape you’d like to cut. (We did a V and W)
  6. Snip off yarn ends below tape.
  7.  Cut a 1.5′ piece of yarn tie on either end of the dowel rod. This will act as a hanger and keep your knotted yarn from sliding off.
  8. Hang and Style!