
Did you know our library does free events during the summer?

June 22, 2024

One of the cool things about Johson County Public Library is that they do free things for the summertime for all ages. We went to return our library books and check out new ones. We all were able to get our prize for the summer reading program as well! (it is also free for everyone). Of course we checked out more library books. Our library we go to is the Clark Pleasant branch, but one of the books we wanted was at the White River branch, so we got to play at both places! The event that they had at the Clark Pleasant branch was Random Fandom! The boys loved seeing some of their favorite characters. The event at White River branch was Tails and Trails Rescue meet and greet, which I have another article about showing off all their adorable dogs that are up for adoption! Check out the events page for all the fun, free things you can do at your local library! 

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Free Sensory-Friendly