
Surviving the winter blues

There's lots of little things you can do

By Mary Leachman January 5, 2023

It's early January and we've officially made it through the holidays! Before long we will be settling into the winter routine. It's a difficult time for many. I've found that winter is a season of endurance that requires a lot of physical and mental fortitude. Hopefully the following tips and tricks will help you through the rigors of this time of year. 

1. Mindset-the power of positive thinking is tremendously beneficial in winter. When it gets dark early and the days are gray and cold, it helps to put things in perspective. One day at a time you will get through this.

2. Countdown-One thing that has helped me is by counting down the days until spring. I don't necessarily focus on it as a day to day thing because then time may seem to move too slow, but from time to time I like to check and see how many days we have left until spring. 

3. Bundle Up- Perhaps my favorite winter activity is anytime I can get outdoors with my family! It's extremely beneficial to get some exercise and fresh air even if its cold outside. We enjoy taking winter hikes. The solitude of seeing nature at rest is very therapeutic mentally and it feels wonderful to get moving physically. There are some challenges like the days being so short, and having to get bundled up, but with the right clothing, footwear, and a little planning you can be sure to have a wonderful time participating in outdoor activities during the winter. 

4. Spend time with friends and family-Don't remain isolated. Spend time with friends and family when possible and check on your neighbors. Call someone you haven't spoke to in awhile. Sometimes all it takes to lift our mood is a short conversation with someone we care about. 

Certainly winter has many challenges, but remember that we are all in this together and this too shall pass!